
My Plan

At this time, I am trying to keep my weight loss plan simple (I sometimes get bogged down in the details).  This is as simple as I get:
  1. Food -- Weight Watchers (counting points, core, or eating within a points range).  (I was going to try to use the advice found at, but I just couldn't make this work for me right now.)
  2. Activity -- I'm focusing on walking.  I'm scheduling activity each day based on my husband's work schedule and when I can have time away from the kids.   Once this is solid, I will add more.
  3. Planning -- I am going to schedule 1-2 hours early in the week to focus on the food in the house--menu planning and grocery shopping.  If I can plan this better, I can eliminate unnecessary eating out!
  4. Me Time -- I'm with my kids all of the time, and I need a little time away!  Since I am not paying or going to a weekly program, I am scheduling a 1-2 hour time slot where I get away from distractions, track my weekly progress, and refocus.
  5. Tracking Progress-- I have a  Goals/Rewards page set up here on JentoLose where I can set some short and long term goals, work towards those goals, and reward my progress. 
  6. Support -- If I'm learned anything over the past six months, it's that I can't do this alone!  I am asking my husband for some help, I'm going to participate in the weight loss blogging community by posting and commenting, and I am going to join a weight loss community.  If I need to, I will join a local Weight Watcher's meeting.  I'll keep you posted on this last one.
Started and updated this plan on 9/11/10