
March 31, 2010

My Five Things #3 and Random Thoughts

I can't believe April 2010 will be here tomorrow.  We had a gorgeous 70 degree day here--unseasonably warm--and wonderful!  I took my first walk in a long time -- and it felt SOOOOO great!

I've got to head to bed in a few minutes, but I wanted to share the next of my five things:

#3 No Fast Food!  No matter what!  

Fast food has been sneaking its way into my life lately -- including some very poor choices.  Mostly it has to do with poor planning on my part.  Need to get that grocery shopping done and the menu planned.  But I'm going to stay away from the Fast Stuff, the Bad Stuff.  I think THAT will be a good thing!  I can do anything for just one month, right?

Oh, and thanks Harry for pointing out that I need to update my stats on my progress page!  Right on!  It's time to be accountable and to keep moving forward!

AND, I have a plan for keeping the candy to a minimum in my kid's Easter baskets.  That makes me feel pretty great too.

Who knew one long, beautiful walk and a plan could help get me going? . . . I'm guessing you all did!

Hope your week is going great!

1 comment:

  1. Walks (and my awesome blog buddies) have totally been helping me turn things around this week! Something about the fresh air, I guess ;). So glad you're feeling good.


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